Friday, April 15, 2005

Asking For Help

Like so many other people I have the hardest time asking for help, but I think I'm going to get some practice in the next couple of weeks. We are already getting a little help with moving, which is such a blessing. This week we will be packing, and our goal is to have everything moved out by the 23rd of this month. *sigh*

Have you noticed how the ease of asking for help is directly proportionate to how desperate a person is? But, I figured it out! I am going to make a list of possible volunteers and simply ask if they would be interested in helping and then I'll make a list of items I need help with and let my volunteers have at it. I'm accepting volunteers to donate decorations and make food. I've been trying to find another bride who was having their wedding just before mine and share decorations. There should be a website for that sort of thing. Hey, I'd at least check it out! ; p