Sunday, April 10, 2005

A Few Words From The Bride

As I sit here wondering what to type, I was thinking about what little tidbits of information I should divulge in regards to this wedding and the planning. I've never been to a wedding that wasn't beautiful, boring maybe but all were beautiful. This time I'm the bride. I now get to see the underlying storm that rages and grows stronger throughout the planning process and reaches the apex sometime during the..... When can I stop worrying?

With that in mind, do I write the truth about how the wedding arrangements are going, or do I use carefully selected words to paint a Picasso, an illusion as to how well I am handling it all. I could tell the truth and then maybe people will show up out of morbid curiosity. Although, I doubt the venue Dave and I have selected for the ceremony, (the gothic room in the Salt Lake City, Masonic Temple) will disappoint. It’s very quaint and will be quite memorable. With as many people that we have invited I wouldn’t doubt it if some of my guests consider having their future weddings at the Masonic Temple.

I’ll provide more details soon, such as what things I might have done differently. Hind sight is 20/20. Hey I wonder if it is possible to put a crystal ball on our wedding registry. Now wouldn’t that be something!?

I would also like to give a brief history of the Masonic Temple as well as how Dave and I met and how we eventually decided to get married.

Oh, and please stop by frequently as both Dave and I have a lot to share. Thank you for taking part in this event. Bless you all!

Jacoy Harvey