Friday, April 08, 2005

HooRAAY!!!!! New job today!!

Yep, that's right. Just was offered a new position at American Express. I start my training on Monday, and am pretty stoked about it. I have been interviewing for this for a couple of weeks and everyone in my team has been walking on glass trying not to jinx it too much by being too confident that I got the job already.

I am very excited.

Jacoy is working on the wedding registries, and asking me questions on color schemes and whether or not I like satin (the answer is no, makes the skin all sweaty and chafey.. ICK!) What do I know about color schemes? More than I should that is for sure, because now apparently I have to actually wake up for this part.

Thanks for tuning in. Have a great weekend everyone! Tomorrow I get to take my employment drug test, no worries there. Just a couple of hours that I wish I could spend sleeping. Oh Yeah!!!

