Saturday, May 07, 2005

Energizer Bunny's Cousin

It is 2:30am on my wedding day. I still have not been to bed yet. Yes I am crazy. No, not really I'm just the energizer bunny's cousin!

Well, the reception hall is ready. I'm almost ready. My soon to be step daughter is exhausted and is feeling a bit blue. She is our flower girl and I don't think she realized the responsibility that comes with being the flower girl. She's handling it well, but she thought it would be more fun than what it is. I told here that it is an honorable position where you gain a cool dress, sore feet and a lot of fun memories. Even with the prospect of a cool dress she still had a hard time smiling. I think she was just tired.

Well, I'm very tired. I hope to see everyone today. It is all coming together so nicely I am am quite pleased and surprisingly calm.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

OH YEAH!!! the vows.. the vows...

So here it is just two days away and yes... we did not get the vows ready...


never fear, I have been slaving away all day at them, believing that what I have created is some seriously awesome wedding vows....


I wish to thank all those that have helped us through all this, we could not have done any of this without any of you...

And to my lovely bride to be....

here is to you, and all you do, I hope this day does not sucketh, not one bit!!


Dave Williams

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Never Move One Week Before Your Wedding!

We have officially moved. Our goal was to have everything moved out on the 23rd, however I came down with a terrible sickness. I was pretty sick for 10 days. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. Infact, if you told me you had the same thing, I'd want to buy you flowers and a get well balloon. ; P Due to being sick, I didn't have everything that I wanted to have packed on the 23rd so we needed a second moving party.

Friday night Dave pointed out that I grossly under estimated the size of vehicle I would need to move the rest of our stuff. This was when we made the call to U-haul and got the bad news that there were no more trucks for the weekend.

I go into panic mode, "Daddy"!

I called my dad. He gave me a hard time and I'm sure he still wonders how I get myself into these situations. He made a couple phone calls and put the word out to his fellow Mason brethren, as well as family and neighbors. He had quite few volunteers by mid afternoon on Saturday. My uncle and a neighbor showed up early. They were done at about noon, but I'm not to sure, it's all a blur. Hey they even helped me finish packing. I am also very grateful to my friend John who was able to help with the first load. I'll have to say, we made it at the last minute. I turned the key over to my landlord at about 11pm.

There are a couple problems still. What do I do with all this stuff I have? My poor dad can't park his car in the garage due to the plethora of boxes that are in the way. He's not too happy about this. This was not part of the deal. Oh, I forgot to mention. My parents are letting Dave and I move in. They are helping us get a good start.

Ok now that the moving is done, let the fun begin. Now it is time to finish the wedding details! I'm so excited. Oh oh oh !

Monday, April 25, 2005

Move nearly complete, thanks for all the help... and now for something completely different...

Well the move went nearly perfect. People came out of the woodwork to help out, the telephone wire got yanked from the house, and my bride to be drove the moving truck like a trooper. I have been cleaning the place now for days and will be doing so until saturday. I like to keep a clean house, even after I leave.

The time to the wedding is ticking down. I am excited to get to this point after so many years of singledom. Marraige can be a really great thing, and I am with one of the greatest women of all time. She really backs me up when I need it, and props me up so I don't fall. She really is great. She is my best friend.

I am sure that many of you may be coming upon this after receiving an invite in the mail, and may not realize who I am.... DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!?!?!!?!??!

Well my name is Dave. Born and raised in California, moved to Utah as a young teenager, and well traveled, I am many things, have done many things, so you may have come across me and probably didn't realize just how cool it was to be in my presense.

Ok now that I can wipe that goofy smirk off my face, let's get to brass tacks here. What and who am I? I am a musician, composer, poet, writer, engineer, manager, leader, speaker, actor, comedian, director, father, husband to be, brother, son, uncle, cousin and nephew. I have done so many things for so many people and so many companies, in so many places it is hard to imagine that I am not running for president. Then again, who want's that headache???

If you really have no idea who I am, that's ok. Most of the time I don't know either. Just as long as you are comfortable with your senility I can live with that.


Dave Williams

Friday, April 15, 2005

Asking For Help

Like so many other people I have the hardest time asking for help, but I think I'm going to get some practice in the next couple of weeks. We are already getting a little help with moving, which is such a blessing. This week we will be packing, and our goal is to have everything moved out by the 23rd of this month. *sigh*

Have you noticed how the ease of asking for help is directly proportionate to how desperate a person is? But, I figured it out! I am going to make a list of possible volunteers and simply ask if they would be interested in helping and then I'll make a list of items I need help with and let my volunteers have at it. I'm accepting volunteers to donate decorations and make food. I've been trying to find another bride who was having their wedding just before mine and share decorations. There should be a website for that sort of thing. Hey, I'd at least check it out! ; p

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The Greatest Man I Have Ever Known

One day after many frustrating dates and relationships I made a promise that I would seek out guys who had the following three qualities; 1) Loves and treats his mother well, 2) His family thinks the world of him, 3) He reaches out and helps his family and friends.

Not long after realizing what I was looking for, I met Dave. We talked for about 3 weeks and then went out to dinner. We talked about his dreams of opening up his own movie theater and ways we could revolutionize the movie theater experience. We both love movies. It is one of the bigger things we have in common. One of the coolest thing about going to a movie with Dave is that he believes in purchasing stuff at the concession stand. I love it! It really does make the experience better. We'll order pizza and cookies and share a soda. Another thing we have in common, we both love Iggy's Sports Grill and Texas Road House.

Dave is one of the most compassionate, talented and loving people I have ever known. He is so helpful and he is a great handy man. There are tons of things I have witnessed him do. Repair tires in the rain, make the best spaghetti in all the world, change babies diapers, reconstruct the headlights of my 1991 Buick Century, spackle holes in my wall, shampoo carpets, clean cat boxes, and even baby me when I am sick. He even stayed with me one day after a space heater fell three feet and landed on my head, (the cat knocked it off the shelf). He wouldn't let me go to sleep because he was afraid I had a concussion. He took two days off work just to be near me and to make sure I was ok. I was ok, except for a big goose egg on my head and I was a little disoriented for about 3 or 4 days.

I keep telling him (and my mom too!) that I love him because he is a better person than I am. I love you Dave and I would shout it from every mountain if I could!

I am little too tired to think...

I was up all night with cats chasing each other!! AUGH!!!

Well I updated the registries and removed a few items that were duplicates, so with any luck we wont receive 47 toasters.

The rest of the invitations go out this week. For those we forgot, sorry, give us time and soon all will be well.

I cannot type on this keyboard.

Talk to you later..


Sunday, April 10, 2005

A Few Words From The Bride

As I sit here wondering what to type, I was thinking about what little tidbits of information I should divulge in regards to this wedding and the planning. I've never been to a wedding that wasn't beautiful, boring maybe but all were beautiful. This time I'm the bride. I now get to see the underlying storm that rages and grows stronger throughout the planning process and reaches the apex sometime during the..... When can I stop worrying?

With that in mind, do I write the truth about how the wedding arrangements are going, or do I use carefully selected words to paint a Picasso, an illusion as to how well I am handling it all. I could tell the truth and then maybe people will show up out of morbid curiosity. Although, I doubt the venue Dave and I have selected for the ceremony, (the gothic room in the Salt Lake City, Masonic Temple) will disappoint. It’s very quaint and will be quite memorable. With as many people that we have invited I wouldn’t doubt it if some of my guests consider having their future weddings at the Masonic Temple.

I’ll provide more details soon, such as what things I might have done differently. Hind sight is 20/20. Hey I wonder if it is possible to put a crystal ball on our wedding registry. Now wouldn’t that be something!?

I would also like to give a brief history of the Masonic Temple as well as how Dave and I met and how we eventually decided to get married.

Oh, and please stop by frequently as both Dave and I have a lot to share. Thank you for taking part in this event. Bless you all!

Jacoy Harvey